With Data Acquisition you can clean, map and standardize your organization’s inbound claim and velocity data for use in your trade management, reporting and analysis solution.

Data Acquisition is an intelligent data management service that captures and cleans your claim and velocity data files. The process engine smartly scrubs and maps Products and Company entities to your master data using matching algorithms developed from over 25 years of experience managing foodservice data.


  • Data Acquisition accepts an array of electronic file formats.
  • Standardize your data with easy to use tools.
  • Rich reporting metrics put you in control of your data.
  • Publish standardized data to customizable endpoints.


Data Acquisition is built using state of the art technology and design patterns using the power of ASP.NET, .NET Framework, and MVC architecture.

Why Choose Data Acquisition?

Using rich and independently customizable algorithms Exceedra Data Acquisition can match company and product information, minimizing the need for manual data mapping.
Data Acquisition was designed to be easily scaled to meet any customer growth needs.
Data Acquisition can be leveraged by our TPM solutions or implemented as a stand-alone service to be used by your in-house or third-party systems.
Analyze the health of your trade programs and trading partner relationships from key points of view with built in reports.
Data Acquisition knows when to expect your trading partner’s inbound files, understands what they should contain and which formats are acceptable for consumption by our services. Inbound files are monitored throughout each phase in the mapping process recording audit data and when necessary, producing alerts based on configurable tolerances.